Export Catalogue 2025

Our Echtholz veneer consists exclusively of layers of thin wood layers glued crosswise. The grain of the individual layers runs perpendicular to each other – that gives the furniture its special strength on the one hand and on the otherensures very decorative edge image In our Echtholz collection all elements like partition walls, shelves and back panels are made of real wood with no exception. Echtholz - cabinet M with 1 shelf, Doors birch + applique, with cutout handle, lockable, on plinth 098512 – Cabinet model SO – Cabinet base (BE – legs /RO – 4 wheels (2 of them lockable) /SO – plinth) 00 – Front finishing (00 – birch laquered / 03 – white laminated) P – Applique (Doors with (P) / without Applique) A – Handle (A – cutout / B – silver railing) K – Lockable (Doors with (K) lock / without lock) This is how the article number is composed: 098512-SO-00P-AK Wood remains one of the most beautiful natural materials. It is a biologically renewable raw material. Trees help reducing carbon dioxide from the air stabilising the proper balance of the atmosphere. The open-pored wood structure ensures the absorption of pollutants for an optimal indoor climate. An important aspect also for allergy sufferers and for all people who respect healthy environment We try to keep the transport routes for procurement as short as possible. During processing raw material is completely used up. Wood waste is reused in the production of chipboard. The ecological efficency balance of this natural material is very good. 89 www.mojebambino.pl/en Echtholz Furniture collections Tables and chairs Bookcases and containers Corners and partitions Relaxation corners and seats, podiums Wall decorations Carpets and fitted carpets Bedroom and bathroom Changing tables Kitchen Cloakroom and corridor Office and backroom Gross motor skills