855524 855523 855525 855526 855527 855538 855539 855540 855541 855542 Low doors for Drop Cloakroom • dim.: H. 20 cm x W. 24 cm 855523 white 855524 grey 855525 light blue 855526 blue 855527 olive 855528 yellow 855529 orange 855530 light green 855531 green 855532 pink High doors for Drop Cloakroom • dim.: H. 66 cm x W. 24 cm 855533 white 855534 grey 855535 light blue 855536 blue 855537 olive 855538 yellow 855539 orange 855540 light green 855541 green 855542 pink 855521 855522 Mini Drop cloakrooms Door made of 16 mm thick lacquered MDF, varnished with ecological paints in vivid colors. Appropriately trimmed drop doors instead of a handle provide natural ventilation. It contains the highest quality hinges for silent closing of the door. Various colors to choose from. Doors suit to Maxi Drop Cloakrooms and Drop Cloakrooms with moveable seats. Mini Drop Cloakroom The cloakroom body is made of 18 mm thick laminated, maple chipboard. Edges secured with 2 mm ABS. The back side of the bodies is made of white HDF board. It can be equipped with a drop door (doors sold separately). Each compartment has a double hanger and pre-drilled holes for additional triple hanger (092530-092532, 255100-255102, sold separately), plus accessories for mounting triple hangers. • dim. 51,6 cm x 30 cm x 166 cm 855521 4-person • dim. 101 cm x 30 cm x 166 cm 855522 8-person Low and High doors are matching all types of Drop cloakrooms 623 www.mojebambino.pl/en Furniture collections Tables and chairs Bookcases and containers Corners and partitions Relaxation corners and seats, podiums Wall decorations Carpets and fitted carpets Bedroom and bathroom Changing tables Kitchen Cloakroom and corridor Office and backroom Gross motor skills Drop cloakroom