Export Catalogue 2025

Changing tables with stairs – birch Equipped with a soft blue mattress. Three spacious compartments are designed to accommodate plastic containers (372005–372026, 372034–372041, sold separately) to store essential accessories. Equipped with retractable stairs with 3 steps. • dim. 150 x 75 x 113 cm • tabletop height 88 cm 100580B with stairs on the left 100983B with stairs on the right Changing table for plastic containers – birch A practical, stable changing table, made of laminated board in birch tones. Equipped with a soft blue mattress. Three spacious compartments are designed to accommodate plastic containers (372005– 372026, 372034–372041 and 372050–372069, sold separately) to store essential accessories. • dim. 104 x 75 x 113 cm • tabletop height 88 cm 100982B Changing table with mattress and shallow containers • 100990 Changing table for containers with side boards, 1 pc. • 101897 Mattress for changing table for containers – grey, 1 pc. • 372052 Tile container 1 light grey, 24 pcs ZEST6001 Shallow containers • dim. 31,2 x 42,7 x 7,5 cm 372009 yellow 372010 red 372011 blue 372012 green 372034 lime 372035 orange 372026 transparent 372050 white 372051 light blue 372052 light grey 372053 silver 372054 black 372070 beige 372076 turquoise 372077 pastel green 372078 dark beige Deep containers 2 • dim. 31,2 x 42,7 x 15 cm 372013 yellow 372014 red 372015 blue 372016 green 372036 lime 372037 orange 372006 transparent 372055 white 372056 light blue 372057 light grey 372058 silver 372059 black 372071 beige 372079 turquoise 372080 pastel green 372081 dark beige Large containers 3 • dim. 31,2 x 42,7 x 22,5 cm 372017 yellow 372018 red 372019 blue 372020 green 372038 lime 372039 orange 372005 transparent 372060 white 372061 light blue 372062 light grey 372063 silver 372064 black 372072 beige 372082 turquoise 372083 pastel green Jumbo containers 4 • dim. 31,2 x 42,7 x 30 cm 372021 Yellow 372022 red 372023 blue 372024 green 372040 lime 372041 orange 372025 transparent 372065 white 372066 light blue 372067 light grey 372068 silver 372069 black 372073 beige 372084 turquoise 372085 pastel green JUMBO 4 DEEP 2 SHALLOW SHALLOW DEEP 2 SHALLOW SHALLOW SHALLOW BIG 3 = = + + + + + = 1 1 1 1 1 Changing pad for plastic containers Practical, stable changing pad made of laminated chipboard in a birch tone. Equipped with soft blue mattress. 3 capacious compartments are adapted to mount plastic containers (372005–372026, 372034–372041 and 372050–372069, sold separately), which allow to store essential accessories. • dim. 104 x 75 x 88 cm (+ 25 cm sides) Containers Container made of durable plastic, suitable for cabinets from the Flexi, Quadro and Grande collections. Supplied with guides. • 1 pc. WARNING: Do not leave your child unattended. yellow turquoise red pastel green blue dark beige green lime orange transparent white light blue light grey silver black beige NEW 584 www.mojebambino.pl/en