Nursery bedding set Pillow cover dim. 35 x 50 cm • quilt cover dim. 70 x 120 cm • sheet of dim. 146 x 65 cm 524032 ecru 524033 blue 134031 grey Bed sheets for sleeping cots dim. 146 x 65 cm Bed sheets fitting to the sleeping cots (501001– 005). • dim. 146 x 65 cm 524012 ecru 524019 blue 134022 grey Elastic bed sheets dim. 120 x 60 cm Bed sheets made of cotton, wash at 60 degrees. • dim. 120 x 60 cm 524011 ecru 524018 blue 134021 grey Elastic bed sheets dim. 140 x 70 cm Bed sheets made of cotton, wash at 60 degrees. • dim. 140 x 70 cm 524010 ecru 524017 blue 134020 grey Pillow cases dim. 40 x 60 cm Pillow cases made of cotton with envelope fastening, wash at 60 degrees. • dim. 40 x 60 cm 134024 grey pillowcase with yellow stars 524014 ecru 524021 blue Duvet cases dim. 70 x 120 cm Duvet cases made of cotton with envelope fastening, wash at 60 degrees. • dim. 70 x 120 cm 134025 grey with yellow stars, 524015 ecru 524022 blue Duvet cases dim. 100 x 135 cm Duvet cases made of cotton with envelope fastening, wash at 60 degrees. • dim. 100 x 135 cm 134026 grey with yellow stars 524016 ecru 524023 blue Pillow cases dim. 35 x 50 cm Pillow cases made of cotton with envelope fastening, wash at 60 degrees. • dim. 35 x 50 cm 524013 ecru 524020 blue 134023 grey with yellow stars Bed linen Nursery bedding set A set of bedding with filling • Pillowcase dim. 35 x 50 cm • Quilt cover dim. 70 x 120 cm • Bed sheet, dim. 146 x 65 cm • Pillow • Quilt 524036 ecru 524037 blue 134032 grey Set of bedding with filling 524033 524032 524013 524012 524015 134031 134019 134018 134031 Pillow and blanket with bed linen Washable set of pillows, duvet and fitted sheet. • Available in 2 colors • Duvet dim.: 80 x 120 cm • Pillow dim.: 35 x 50 cm • Bed sheet dim.: 65 x 146 cm 134018 animals grey-blue 134019 animals grey-pink ecru blue grey 574