Mattresses navy-red Mattresses made of foam covered with phtalate-free durable vinyl (red part) and cotton (blue part) easy to keep clean. • dim. 120 x 60 x 8 cm 101289 Mattress navy-red 120 cm • dim. 130 x 60 x 8 cm 101285 Mattress navy-red 130 cm • dim. 140 x 60 x 8 cm 101286 Mattress navy-red 140 cm Platform with storage for mattresses The platform is made of plywood, allows you to store 9 mattresses with a maximum length of 140 cm (e.g. 101285, 101286 or 101289, sold separately). • dim. 193 x 143 x 45 cm • dim. shelves 61 x 143 x 10 cm 126542 573 Furniture collections Tables and chairs Bookcases and containers Corners and partitions Relaxation corners and seats, podiums Wall decorations Carpets and fitted carpets Bedroom and bathroom Changing tables Kitchen Cloakroom and corridor Office and backroom Gross motor skills Cabinets for bedclothes and beds