Export Catalogue 2025

Texture little horse Panel with horse allows children to learn different textures: brush bristle, bathroom carpet, artificial grass. 118204 Chicken Behind the shell of an egg there is a chicken with a furry belly and a pipe in it. 118001 Manipulative fish Colourful fish with different buckles will simplify learning how to manage with different kinds of fastenings. 118208N Manipulative frog Frog fingers have snap fasteners. Doing up and undoing them develop hand motricity and learn snapping. 118209N Fine motor skills panels Decorative elements made of plywood with different motives, which encourage children to play, observe and experience involving touch. Panels fixed to the wall are both nice decoration and can form a playing corner. Thanks to manipulations with strings and recognizing textures with touch children develop dexterity of hands and sense of touch. Delivered with fasteners. Panel with horse allows children to learn different textures: brush bristle, bathroom carpet, artificial grass. • dim. 35 x 35 cm NEW NEW 536 www.mojebambino.pl/en