Hercules house Hercules house Hercules’ house can be used as a reading nook, as well as a place to rest and relax. It can also be used as a partition wall, e.g. in a school corridor. The metal roof structure and side bars can be decorated according to your own wishes, e.g. with lights or hanging flowers. The house is open, with two side walls made of plywood. The back consists of two cross beams. The structure is made of metal. • dim. 228 x 168 x 274 cm 098968 NEW 515 www.mojebambino.pl/en Sofas and armchairs Furniture collections Tables and chairs Bookcases and containers Corners and partitions Relaxation corners and seats, podiums Wall decorations Carpets and fitted carpets Bedroom and bathroom Changing tables Kitchen Cloakroom and corridor Office and backroom Gross motor skills