Forest 1 Tree includes maze, bar with pieces of fabric of different textures, milled hedgehog with wooden stick, squeaky pipe and blueberry applique. • dim. 130,5 x 118 cm 099625 Forest 2 Tree includes 2 mazes, drum, mirror, grass and fly agaric applique. • dim. 132 x 120 cm 099626 Manipulative walls – forest Manipulative walls made of lacquered plywood, with sensory appliques, mazes and tree branches made of fabric of different textures. They help in developing touch, manual dexterity, hand-eye coordination and motor skills. Children can also learn colors and shapes. • from 2 years Manipulative-sensory walls The manipulative-sensory walls will provide many stimlus for the sense of touch and sight of a child. Meadow with a ladybug The wall contains a large mazee, as well as two mirrors made of plexiglass (dia. 14.5 and 10 cm) in frames made of colored MDF (dia. 19 and 14.5 cm). Under the wings of the ladybug with a zipper there is another mirror sewn into the vinyl fabric. The colorful element of the flowers are also covered with vinyl fabric. The lower flower has 4 petals, each 16.5 cm long, with a different sensory or sound element. Another attraction is the spinning wheel (dia. 15.5 cm) with a colored print. When circle turns, it changes color to green. • lenght 130 cm • height 105 cm 096621 Meadow with a snail The wall contains three mazes of various types. The first one is a snail, the second – triangular vinyl leaves (height 9 cm) on a metal tube, and the third one is in the stem and leaves of the flower. In addition, children can touch the white fur framed with MDF. Elements of the flowers are covered with vinyl fabric. • length 128 cm • height 115 cm 096622 spinning wheel maze with ball sound elements hidden mirror fur plexiglass mirror large maze 096621 096622 City – manipulative wall Set of two manipulative walls made of plywood with cotton applications attached. Meant to develop children’s manual dexterity and their motor and visual coordination. The child learns colors and shapes. A toddler plays by moving shapes placed on rails along the wall. A child practices touch by exploring texture of colorful stamps (smooth and rough), explores hanging colourful objects. • dim. of 1 part: 135 x 119 cm • dim. of 2 part: 154 x 102 cm 100931 099625 099626 The wall includes: foam roof with a removable window, window with curtains which can be zipped and sticks to tap the sounds. 408