Also matching: 099135 099132 099136 099133 099140 099131 Sensorical house Cozy, colorful house is going to be children’s favourite mysterious hideout. It is a perfect place for the youngest looking for a while of rest during joyful entertainment. Panels in 2 walls of the house are changeable and can be chosen depending on neccesity (099131–099136, sold separately). Playing with them develops imagination and creativity of each child. House interrior allows for creation of entertainment corner, resting corner or theme corner by putting in a kitchen or matresses and seats. House is delivered with curtains. House elements are lacquered. • height: 164 cm • walls height: 140 cm • enterance width: 85,4 cm • corner walls width: 160 cm • side walls width: 95 cm 099130 Sensorical house – changeable panels Changeable modules for sensorical house (099130). Each of them contains unique motive and manipulative panel. Playing with them develops hand dexterity and sense of touch. • dim. 85 x 70 cm Different kinds of fastenings teach basic skills helpful while dressing up, and developing hand dexterity at the same time. 099131 manipulative Different kinds of locks placed on the panel provide finger dexterity training and teach how to lock and unlock them. 099132 locks Laces placed on the panel are perfect for manual dexterity training, concentration and creativity development. Different patterns possible. 099133 big laces Two flowers with lacing placed on the panel are perfect for children’s manual dexterity and concentration development 099135 lacing flowers Panel has 2 hidden bags for hiding various items meant to be recognised by children by touch. 099136 guess what Panel has a small shelf for small toys. 099140 pot Sensorical Changeable panels to the sensorical house 099130 Positioning: in the corner/free in the room Space requirement: 160 x 160 cm Total height: 164 cm It is required to add 2 panels (099131-099140) to sensorical house 099130 to ensure stability of the product recommended age from 3 years 396