Also matching: Gears Round mirror Non-slippery stairs Doors for stairs for play corners Made of lacquered plywood (thickness: 18 mm).For corners: 095470, 099632, 099695, 099699, 100469, 126041, 126042, 126050, 126051. • dim. 46,3 x 73,3 cm 096843 2-storey play corner Play corner, where many children can play at the same time. It has a lot of space for additional equipment, eg. Kitchen corner 099162–099166, sold separately, or table with chairs. Manipulative appliques are mounted on the walls (gears, round mirror, labirynth). Made of plywood, MDF colorful plate, laminated chipboard and wood. Platforms are covered with non-slippery fitted carpet. 2-storey play corner • dim. 200 x 297 x 250 cm • platform height: 130 cm • entrance height: 112 cm • mirror dim. 52 x 50 cm • stairs dim. 53 x 146 x 130 cm 099696 right stairs 099696L left stairs 387 Furniture collections Tables and chairs Bookcases and containers Corners and partitions Relaxation corners and seats, podiums Wall decorations Carpets and fitted carpets Bedroom and bathroom Changing tables Kitchen Cloakroom and corridor Office and backroom Gross motor skills Manipulative corners