Porthole with balls Bird applique Wall mazes Acrylic mirror Play corner In the woods • p latforms height: 45 and 60 cm • stairs dim. 59,5 x 86 cm • platforms dim. 55 x 72 cm and 66 x 123 cm • slide dim. 46 x 132,5 cm • tunnel dim. 47,5 x 38,5 cm • hole in a tree dim. 40 cm 100107 Play corner in the woods Play corner with many attractions – slide, stairs, crawling tunnel, mirror, wall mazes and porthole with balls. Made of plywood, wood, laminated plate and colorful MDF plate, porthole made of plexiglass. • d im. 186 x 209,2 x 193 cm It is recommended to secure the slide area in case of a fall (non -slip mattresses: 101322–101327, 101337–101342, 101758 are sold separately). 384 www.mojebambino.pl/en