Export Catalogue 2025

Grande M cabinet d. 50cm Level raiser that allows storing binders. • dim. 36 x 50,1 x 111,3 cm 098125 maple 098125W white Grande M cabinet d. 70cm Level raiser that allows storing binders. • dim. 36 x 70,1 x 111,3 cm 098126 maple 098126W white Grande S cabinet • dim. 36 x 50,1 x 76 cm 098124 maple 098124W white dim.: 36 x 70,1 x 111,3 cm dim.36 x 50,1 x 111,3 cm dim. 36 x 50,1 x 76 cm Triangular table easyMoove • size 6 • two feet and one wheel with a brake • dim. tabletop 72,5 x 72,5 x 102,5 cm • D. 49,5 cm 098127 Rectangular table easyMoove • two feet and two wheels with a brake • dim. tabletop 50 x 70 cm 098128 Grande cabinets Cabinets complement the Grande collection, made of white or maple laminated chipboard (18mm thick). Available in 3 sizes. The door can be mounted on the right or left side of the cabinet (holes for the handle should be drilled). The cabinet may contain two plastic containers (372009–372012, 372026, 372034, 372035, 372050–372054, 372070, sold separately). CDFboard ACCORDING to the applicable standards EN 1729‑1:2016‑2 and EN 1729‑2+A1:2016‑2. frame fully welded EASYMOOVE tables Mobile tables easyMoove Tabletop made of CDF (12mm thick). Resistant to moisture, splashes of water, stains, and chemicals. Hygienic and easy-care, resistant to scratching and abrasion. Flammability class: B-s2, d0 according to EN 13501. Metal frame, diam. 32 mm, with round legs. Wheels make it easier to move the table. 306 www.mojebambino.pl/en