2 legs with wheels tabletop thickness: 25 mm one leg with a wheel Mila tables with wheels, half-round with wave – size 2 B9012–02–08-MW08-Z-SR-PA beech B9012–02–08-MW00-Z-SR-PA birch Mila tables with wheels, half-round with wave – size 3 B9012–03–08-MW08-Z-SR-PA beech B9012–03–08-MW00-Z-SR-PA birch Mila tables with wheels, half-round with wave – size 4 B9012–04–08-MW08-Z-SR-PA beech B9012–04–08-MW00-Z-SR-PA birch Mila tables with wheels, half-round with wave – size 5 B9012–05–08-MW08-Z-SR-PA beech B9012–05–08-MW00-Z-SR-PA birch Mila tables with wheels, half-round with wave – size 6 B9012–06–08-MW08-Z-SR-PA beech B9012–06–08-MW00-Z-SR-PA birch The tables fit with the wave-shaped table MILA large 140 x 72 cm (to be found on page 297). Movable Mila table, triangular, size 4 – HPL B9004‑04‑08-SH03-Z-SR-PO white B9004‑04‑08-SH05-Z-SR-PO maple B9004‑04‑08-SH08-Z-SR-PO beech B9004‑04‑08-SH31-Z-SR-PO grey Movable Mila table, triangular, size 5 – HPL B9004‑05‑08-SH03-Z-SR-PO white B9004‑05‑08-SH05-Z-SR-PO maple B9004‑05‑08-SH08-Z-SR-PO beech B9004‑05‑08-SH31-Z-SR-PO grey Movable Mila table, triangular, size 6 – HPL B9004‑06‑08-SH03-Z-SR-PO white B9004‑06‑08-SH05-Z-SR-PO maple B9004‑06‑08-SH08-Z-SR-PO beech B9004‑06‑08-SH31-Z-SR-PO grey COLOR VARIANTS: birch beech COLOR VARIANTS: maple white beech grey ACCORDING to the applicable standards PN-EN 1729-1:2016-02 and PN-EN 17292:2023-10. ACCORDING to the applicable standards PN-EN 1729-1:2016-02 and PN-EN 17292:2023-10. Movable Mila table triangular, HPL Movable tables on a metal frame, with round legs. Tabletop made of plywood laminated with HPL laminate, THK. 25 mm. • tabletop dim. 90 x 90 x 122 cm • metal frame made of 40 x 20 mm profile and 40 mm tube • one leg with a wheel Mila tables with wheels halfround with wave Table frame made of square pipe (dim. 40 x 20 mm) and rounded legs made of round pipe (dia. 40 mm). Table top made of laminated chipboard (thickness: 25 mm), edge banding thickness: 2 mm. • tabletop dim. 140 x 75 cm 295 www.mojebambino.pl/en Tables Furniture collections Tables and chairs Bookcases and containers Corners and partitions Relaxation corners and seats, podiums Wall decorations Carpets and fitted carpets Bedroom and bathroom Changing tables Kitchen Cloakroom and corridor Office and backroom Gross motor skills